Georgian toast

On a hot summer day walked a man on the way. Embers poured from the sky so he desided to swim in a nearby mountain river. He took off his cloths and put on the riverside, the hat hung up on the bush and jumped naked into the water. When he cooled down he noticed that his cloths disappeared and from the entired clothing remained only the hat. And just at this moment on the path behind the the bush was beautiful girl. Holding the hat with both hands he barely managed to cover his manhood, when the girl approached him and looking deep in his eyes came to him closer sweet said:
- Please, give me your right hand.
And he gave it her.
- Please, give me your left hand.
And he also gave it her.

And now let us dring for the power that supported this hat!

Basic phrases in the Georgian language (spelling is adjusted to English).

Dila mshvidobisa! - Good morning! (used till noon)

Gamardziobat! -
Good morning! (used the whole day)

Gaumardzios! - Hi (used less frequently than gamardziobat, rather among good friends), this word has a second meaning using during celebrations and means Cheers!)

Nahlamdis/Kargad - Good bye!

Rogorahar? - How are you ?

Madlobt! - Thank you!

Didi madloba! - Thank you very much!

kargad - good

Romeli saathia - What time is it?

Tamada - person acting as a head of the table during  different feasts, ruling the table and toasts,

Mopasuhe - a person appointed by Tamada as his substitute

Supra - feast table with traditional dishes,

Pijala - traditional canopy for wine drinking,

Doki - traditional jug for wine drinking,

Khanci - traditional antler for wine drinking (from billy-goat)

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